

Once every other week I get with the other moms (sometimes a dad) from my son’s preschool for what we call Breakfast Club. We get together and talk about whatever comes to our minds until its time to pickup our kids from school. Now that summer is here and most of our kids are going to kindergarten next year we still wanted to continue the Breakfast Club tradition. 

Lately I have been trying to cook and at the same time bring something healthier for everyone to try. This time I decided to bring French Toast Fruit Skewers.  They are about 30 calories.


Any Fruit that’s your preference

1 whole egg

3 egg whites (if you use a cartoon of egg whites its 6 oz)

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp powdered sugar

4 slices of bread cut into 4 pieces each 


Place the egg and egg whites in a small bowl and mix. Add 1 tsp cinnamon.

Take your cut up bread pieces and dip them in your egg mixture. Don’t make it too soggy.

Cook each side for 1-2 minutes. 

After they are cooked take your fruit and french toast pieces and skewer them.  I used bananas, strawberries, watermelons, grapes and kiwi.

Sprinkle the the powder sugar on top and viola!